
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gentoo Linux 11.2 Download

Gentoo Linux 11.2

Download the newest version of Gentoo Linux OS. Gentoo Linux is a versatile and fast, completely free Linux distribution geared towards developers and network professionals. Unlike other distros, Gentoo Linux has an advanced package management system called Portage. Portage is a true ports system in the tradition of BSD ports, but is Python-based and sports a number of advanced features including dependencies, fine-grained package management, "fake" (OpenBSD-style) installs, safe unmerging, system profiles, virtual packages, config file management, and more.

Gentoo Linux 11.2
David Abbott has announced the release of Gentoo Linux 11.2, a live DVD (with several desktop environments) that can be used to install Gentoo Linux to a hard disk using Gentoo "stages": "Gentoo Linux is proud to announce the availability of a new live DVD to celebrate the continued collaboration between Gentoo users and developers. The live DVD features a superb list of packages, some of which are listed below. System packages include Linux kernel 3.0 (with Gentoo patches), accessibility support with Speakup, Bash 4.2, glibc 2.13, GCC 4.5.2, Binutils 2.21.1, Python 2.7.2 and 3.2, Perl 5.12.4. Desktop environments and window managers include KDE 4.7.0, GNOME 3.0.0, Xfce 4.8, Enlightenment 1.0.8, Openbox 3.5.0, Fluxbox 1.3.1, XBMC 10.1 Awesome 3.4.10 and LXDE-Meta 0.5.5. Office, graphics, and productivity applications include: LibreOffice 3.3.3, Abiword 2.8.6, Scribus 1.3.9...."

See the full release announcement for more information.  
Download (mirrors):  

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  1. Hello, iya niceh gimana ya make linux.. lalu bedanya sama windows dan android
    | | | Rare Angon Nak Bali Belog | | |

  2. @kebojantan, cobain dulu sob pasti asyik :) hi.. hi...
    @Rare Angon, gak terlalu jauh perbedaan serta cara menggunakannya. Android adalah salah satu OS Linux yang diperuntukan utk perangkat Mobile/Tablet atau Smart Phone.

  3. what is the password??



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